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Good reasons to join
Good reasons to join

It doesn’t matter what type of business you are running, it will do better if you create a strong team. It’s the same with operating as one of many businesses in a town like Axminster. Work together and you have a better overall chance of success.

Hare are some of the main reasons for joining:

  • As a member you get a free premium listing in our Axminster Business Directory
  • Our training initiatives are free to members
  • We run regular ‘shop local’ campaigns to support the retail community
  • Our street banners and community benches give the town centre a welcome lift
  • We are working on ways to promote the town to tourists
  • We maintain a constructive working dialogue with local authorities
  • We act as a voice for business in the Axminster Renewal Forum
  • We are working to boost Christmas trade in Axminster
  • We campaigned for the town to have a Community Banking Hub

What does membership cost?

Membership costs £50 pa - less than £1 a week for involvement in something that really can make a difference to trading in Axminster. You can join via the link here or email to receive an invoice for BACS payment if you prefer.

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